Helping Your Little Learner Bounce Back: The Importance of Resilience in Preschool

June 19, 2024 | By Chad Siemer

If your young one is having trouble dealing with daily ups and downs, they’re not alone. Preschoolers need time and direction to develop coping skills that help them overcome setbacks and challenges. But what many parents don’t know is that resilience training is available at the preschool level. 

The Jupiter School faculty are highly trained preschool educators with in-depth knowledge of preschool resilience and coping strategies for young children. Our team values the value and impact of learning coping skills in early childhood and the profound difference it can make for their future success. Read on as we share some important facts about teaching resilience and coping strategies in preschool. 

Building Resilience in Children 

Building resilience in children is more than helping them cope with daily life. It’s providing them the tools they need to face new challenges and emotional experiences, make new friends, and test themselves. As we focus on social-emotional learning with simple and effective methods, preschoolers build emotional resilience to carry with them as they mature. 

Why Preschoolers Need Coping Skills 

Preschoolers are at the critical phase for developing coping strategies. We focus on the importance of coping skills in early childhood education as we help children learn how to manage stress and the resulting emotions. By doing this, we equip them to handle backsets, conflicts, and life changes calmly and thoughtfully. 

The Benefits of Resilience in Preschoolers 

According to The American Psychological Association, teaching resilience to preschoolers helps them adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress. 

Emotionally strong, resilient children exhibit better academic performances, healthier relationships with peers, and a positive outlook on the future. By focusing on building coping skills early in life, teachers contribute to a student’s lifelong emotional well-being. 

How We Build Childhood Resilience 

The Jupiter School utilizes a wide variety of strategies to build childhood resilience, including games that teach coping skills and activities that teach emotional regulation techniques. Teachers lead by example by modeling these positive behaviors daily. This “do as I do” approach is effective, fun, and impactful. 

Preschool Coping Skills FAQs 

Q: Why is resilience important for preschoolers? 

A: Resilience helps children bounce back from life’s challenges. When learned at an early age, it remains a strong coping component throughout their lives. 

Q: My child gets upset easily; what can I do? 

A: First, let your child know it’s okay to feel what they feel. Then, show them self-calming techniques like slowly counting to 10 or deep breathing exercises. Make this response a consistent routine to give them a sense of security. 

Q: What can prevent my child’s meltdowns? 

A: We’ve all seen the classic tired, cranky child meltdown. It’s a natural reaction when young children have no other coping example. To prevent this frustrating event, make sure your child gets enough sleep at night and a soothing nap during the day. Keep to their regular meal schedule and provide healthy snacks for growing bodies. Try to identify meltdown warning signals and work to minimize specific triggers.   

Q: How do I help my child deal with big feelings? 

A: Help your child identify their specific emotions by labeling them with simple words like “sad,” “happy,” or “angry.” Teach them to express themselves with words, coloring pictures, or a game. Provide comfort and support immediately. Sometimes, all they need is a hug and a few moments to process what they’re feeling. 


Resilience is the crucial tool that helps all of us handle life’s challenges. By teaching coping skills early in childhood, we help our young ones tackle life’s ups and downs with an assured calm that stays with them as they mature. 

Learn More About Resilience Training for Preschoolers at The Jupiter School 

Every parent wants to give their child the best tools to succeed in life. That’s why the esteemed faculty at The Jupiter School puts an emphasis on more than just academics. We give preschoolers the resilience training and coping strategies they need to handle life’s challenges. 

As a top-tier preschool in Orlando, The Jupiter School offers a specialized curriculum for building emotional resilience. We make the first five years count by integrating resilience and coping lessons into daily activities and games. Our approach helps your child excel in school and become emotionally strong. 

Contact Us for Outstanding Orlando Childcare and Preschool Education 

Discover how our unique blend of care and curriculum can benefit your little preschooler. Contact our friendly team today for more information or to arrange a tour of our facility.

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